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Up to £20 per referral PER MONTH

With a £15 monthly recurring commission on all Essentials Plan referrals, and £20 on Enterprise Plan referrals, when you invite 6 business owners to signup for GoRaven Digital (and they become a paying customer), your referral commission will completely cover your monthly subscription cost (if you're on the Essentials Plan)!

(Note: Only active monthly subscriptions are qualified for affiliate commissions.)

Who should you share GoRaven Digital with?

GoRaven Digital works perfectly, for all kinds of businesses!

  • Dentists
  • HVAC
  • Automotive
  • Mortgage
  • Real Estate
  • Roofing
  • Pest Control
  • Storage
  • Medical
  • Restaurants
  • Pet Services
  • Electricians
  • Locksmiths
  • Health & Fitness
  • Plumbing
  • Tradesmen
  • Construction
  • Landscaping
  • Accountants
  • Legal

How Does It Work?

It's quite simple, really. When you become an affiliate, you'll receive a personal code which you can share with anyone you think might be interested.

Our system will track this code, and every time someone signs up and pays their first subscription payment, you'll be reimbursed!

How Much Can You Really Make?

GoRaven Digital Commission Calculator


£15 commission per month (per referral)*


£20 commission per month (per referral)*







Commission (£15 Recurring)






Commission (£20 Recurring)






*referral payments begin after a client moves from a free trial to a paid subscription with GoRaven

Refer 15 customers & make +£225/mo

in passive income!

You're willing to go the extra mile and refer your fellow business owners to help them succeed... and get paid while doing it!

Once you refer 15 paying customers, you'll now earn an extra £225/mo passive income!

What would that extra money do for you? Take care of your rent? Car payment? Help out with your mortgage? Help you save for your dream holiday?

The possibilities are endless!

(Note: Only active monthly subscriptions are qualified for affiliate commissions.)

How Much Can You Really Make?

GoRaven Digital

Commission Calculator


Commission (£15 Recurring)

£15 commission per month (per referral)*

5 x referrals = £150/mo

10 x referrals = £375/mo

25 x referrals = £750/mo

50 x referrals =£1500/mo

100 x referrals = £1500/mo


Commission (£20 Recurring)

£20 commission per month (per referral)*

5 x referrals = £100/mo

10 x referrals = £200/mo

25 x referrals = £500/mo

50 x referrals = £1000/mo

100 x referrals = £2000/mo

*referral payments begin after a client moves from a free trial to a paid subscription with GoRaven

The all-in-one platform for sales,

marketing and communication

Copyright GoRaven Digital 2022 -- All Rights Reserved

The all-in-one platform for sales,

marketing and communication

Copyright GoRaven Digital 2022 -- All Rights Reserved