
a laptop with a storefront on it signifying growing a business online

The ABCs of growing your business online

August 14, 20233 min read

Think about it. The days of wandering through aisles, checking price tags, and haggling with shopkeepers are becoming memories. Instead, we're in the age of digital storefronts.

Growing a business online isn't a luxury anymore; it's the norm. And here's the best part: it's not just for the tech giants or the big brands. It's for us. And we're not just talking about businesses selling products, it's for services too!

So, let's unravel this digital tapestry, piece by piece.

Growing a Business Online: Navigating the Digital Marketplace

The online world might seem like a vast ocean, but in reality, it's a network of rivers, streams, and brooks. Each has its own flow, its own rhythm. And we? We're the explorers charting a course through these waters.

Websites: The Digital Storefronts

A website is more than just a digital billboard. It's our space, our territory in this vast online landscape. It's where we tell our story, showcase what we've got, and offer a direct line to those who are interested.

  • User-Friendly Platforms: Platforms like ours have democratised the web. No longer do we need to be tech wizards. With a few clicks, drags, and drops, we can have a site up and running.

  • Mobile Optimisation: The world's on the move, and most of it is browsing through phones. Making sure our site looks and works great on mobile devices isn't just a recommendation; it's a must.

  • Engaging Content: What's a shop without its products? Or a cafe without its ambiance? Our content gives our site its flavor. It's the music, the aroma, the vibe. It's what makes visitors stay, browse, and eventually, buy.

Social Media: The Digital Hangouts

Social media isn't just about posting photos or tweeting thoughts. It's the digital equivalent of a town square, a cafe, a marketplace. It's where conversations happen, where news spreads, where relationships are built.

  • Consistent Posting: Just like a shopkeeper opening his store every day, we need to show up. Regular posts, updates, and interactions build trust and familiarity.

  • Engage, Don't Just Broadcast: Nobody likes a loudspeaker blaring ads. Social media is about conversations. It's about listening as much as it's about speaking.

  • Diverse Content: A picture's worth a thousand words, but a video? That's a whole story. Mixing up our content keeps things fresh and engaging.

Online Ads: The Digital Billboards

Remember those giant billboards on highways? The ones we'd glance at while driving by? Online ads are their digital cousins. But they're smarter, sharper, and way more efficient.

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC): It's like setting up a stall in a marketplace. We only pay for the space when someone stops by to check out our products.

  • Retargeting: It's the digital version of a shopkeeper saying, "Hey, you forgot something!" It reminds visitors of what they looked at, nudging them to come back.

  • Local Ads: It's like setting up a signpost in our neighborhood. It tells folks nearby about who we are and what we offer.

The Perks of Being Online

Why bother with all this digital stuff? Because the perks? They're fantastic.

  • Global Reach, Local Touch: We can be sitting in our garage in Texas and selling handmade crafts to someone in Tokyo. The world's not just at our doorstep; it's in our living room.

  • Data, Data, Data: It's like having a crystal ball. We can see who's visiting, what they're looking at, and what they like or dislike. It's insights galore!

  • Cost-Effective: No need for big-budget ads, flashy storefronts, or prime real estate. A little investment online can yield returns many times over.

Don't Miss Out On Customers and Clients, Get Online

The digital realm isn't a trend; it's the new reality. And in this reality, growing a business online isn't just about following the crowd. It's about carving our own path, setting our own pace. It's about taking the tools at our disposal and crafting something unique, something that's unmistakably us.

Need some help getting seen online? We'd love to speak to you! Get in touch today to find out more about how GoRaven can bring your online presence to the next level.

Stephen is a blog writer and SEO expert with over 3 years of experience in writing and managing online blogs. He has combined his knowledge with his desire to see small businesses grow and created GoRaven along with Daniel Young.

As GoRaven, we are here to help you get your business seen online!

Stephen McPhee

Stephen is a blog writer and SEO expert with over 3 years of experience in writing and managing online blogs. He has combined his knowledge with his desire to see small businesses grow and created GoRaven along with Daniel Young. As GoRaven, we are here to help you get your business seen online!

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Meet The Team


Daniel has over a decade of experience in marketing, spending a number of years in marketing roles in the energy industry, and later Head of Video for a tech company.

A big fan of authenticity and sharing stories, he started sharing his journey on YouTube which served as a foundation for launching his own video production company. Daniel is a huge believer in collaboration with both people and technology. He wants to help businesses embrace the power of online presence.


Stephen has been involved in content writing since studying Journalism at university, but it wasn't until lockdown that he started to incorporate his skills with his growing knowledge of SEO.

Stephen understands the power of great content, so he started GoRaven along with Daniel, combining their abilities to provide a great service to businesses looking to grow.

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The all-in-one platform for sales,

marketing and communication

Copyright GoRaven Digital 2022 -- All Rights Reserved